UR band live @DEAF 2005

person 2 person

city 2 city

state 2 state

nation 2 nation

planet 2 planet

galaxy 2 galaxy

part 1 - part 2
part 3 - part 4
part 5 - part 6
part 7 - part 8

This is a video from the live performance of the UR's Galaxy 2 Galaxy band for the Dublin Electronic Arts Festival, possibly 2005, about 75' long. The camera jerks a bit, still quality's good, considering it's practically a bootleg recording.

If you don't have it already, don't even think to pass it by.

P.S. Turns out it was not a D.E.M.F., but instead a D.E.A.F. concert (never been to either, real pity). My bad, yet it was misnamed from the start. Thanx to Fan we now know, so rename the file at will. The concert is also stored in the D.E.A.F. archive (www.thearchiver.net) as audio and video in various direct download forms here.


Unknown said...

I think (judging by the still) that this is a recording from the Dublin Electronic Arts Festival. The audio is also available here www.thearchiver.net

Nightlight said...

Post corrected, thanx for letting me know.